Saturday, March 26, 2011

Facebook Challenge Day 1

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

Self Explanatory

Fifteen Facts
  1. My dream is to be Alice in Wonderland in Disneyland. (Hence the photo above)
  2. I have a impressive sock collection.
  3. I am a huge book nerd.
  4. I name pretty much everything. My new computer is named Snape.
  5. Jason Mraz is my favorite singer... I've met him, he kissed me... ahh...
  6. I love Target
  7. Antique stores are fascinating to me
  8. I have been to Disneyland at least once a year since I was 7. The most in one year was 3 times. (I LOVE IT)
  9. I love reading about Philosophy, especially the books that relate Philosophy with Pop Culture.
  10. Team Jacob (From Twilight)
  11. Psych and The Office are my current favorite shows.
  12. I wish I was a passenger on the Titanic (and survived!)
  13. My favorite food is my Dad's enchiladas 
  14. I always have chapstick on me
  15. I love all animals. Especially cats, I miss my Maverick who still lives in Fremont... :(
I am going to try to get used to this site and make it prettier!
- Samantha

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