Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest.
Kelsey Camello (Weems) - We met in Jr. High I think in a science class where we bonded over our love for 'punk' music and the 'punk' boys we loved. Of course she married hers, hence the Camello now. We spent so many summers together doing YSC, or doing stupid videos at her house. We love Jason Mraz, Buffy and Disneyland (we have been twice together for Peer Chaos). We are basically the same person.
Kelly Kapis (Kella)- Again we meet in Jr. High, and this is our first picture together. You can't tell, but we were trying to choke each other right before the picture. It explains our love. We spent most of our early High School years together getting into trouble and doing sock puppet shows for English. We are always silly when we are together, and most people just don't understand us!

Kate Lee (Flaherty)- I have know my love Katie Nanna since I was like 6. Our sisters are the same age and they played on the same soccer team, then Kate and I became friends, we discovered she lived down the street from me! We didn't go to the same elementary r Jr. High, but our families stayed in touch with another family (The Camello's, Kelsey's husbands cousins.. small world) every Friday night. We didn't hang out a lot until late High School when we drove to Jack in the Box and got lotto tickets all the time. We ate out food in the parking lot of American High School. Katie knows the real me, I am never afraid to tell her anything and I love her always.
It was difficult to pick just one person so I have 3! Ironically they are all 'K' names... oh so silly.. I love all my wonderful friends and I hope to spend many more years with them.